In a candid conversation with Morgan Carvajal, Governor Gavin Newsom's Appointments Secretary, she opened up about her personal journey and the driving force behind her dedication to public service. Carvajal's story is a powerful reminder of the influence one person can have on their surroundings and the significance of contributing to the betterment of society.

In her role as Appointments Secretary, she helps shape the administration by selecting qualified individuals to serve on various boards and commissions. Through her work, she ensures that diverse voices are represented in decision-making processes and that the needs of all communities are taken into account.

By sharing her journey into public service, Carvajal hopes to inspire others to consider applying for a board or commission  and using  their skills and talents to benefit their communities.

Advocate for equity and access.

Raised in a diverse community in Antioch, California, her parents instilled strong values of work ethic, family, and education. Despite her parents not having attended college, they emphasized the importance of higher education for their children. Witnessing her parents' dedication to serving the community from a young age left a lasting impression on Carvajal. This early exposure to community involvement laid the foundation for her commitment to challenging social norms and advocating for marginalized voices.

Throughout her education and career, Carvajal has been dedicated to improving the lives of Californians. She has focused on expanding college opportunities, advocating for marginalized communities, and championing equity and representation. From her early involvement in student government to her impactful work in the California State Senate on issues related to incarcerated individuals, consumer affairs, elder concerns, and public health access, Carvajal has always been driven by a passion for creating a more equitable and just society.

As a mother of three children, Carvajal is dedicated to creating opportunities for future generations. This commitment to building a better future for all Californians is reflected in her work for Governor Newsom's administration, where she continues to champion policies that promote equity and access for all.

Diverse representation in government is essential.

Appointments Secretary Carvajal's background as a Latina of Mexican heritage provides  a unique perspective to her role. Her personal experiences shaped her approach to  ensuring that the voices of marginalized communities are heard and represented at the highest levels of government. Her commitment to promoting equity and access in government appointments demonstrates the value of representation that reflects California's diversity. 

Carvajal's intentional approach to connecting policies with people who have lived experiences is a powerful way to ensure that government decisions are grounded in the realities of those they affect. This approach promotes diversity in government and fosters a sense of inclusion and empowerment among underrepresented groups.

"Our team is very much committed to that mission that the Governor set forth back when he was elected to ensure that California's boards and commissions and state government looks more like the state it represents."

By asking  who is missing from the conversation and actively working to address barriers to access, Carvajal and her team are taking proactive steps to create a more inclusive and representative government.

Latinas in government appointments.

Appointments Secretary Carvajal's recognition of the importance of Latinas in government appointments underscores the value of diverse representation at all levels of leadership. As members of California's fastest-growing population, Latinas play a vital role in shaping the state's future and bringing unique perspectives to the table. 

"My goal as the Appointments Secretary is to build out that bench, build out that middle space, and work with HOPE and the Latina Appointments Collaborative to make sure that four or five, six years from now, we're not continuing to have firsts."

For Latinas and other individuals who are just getting started in seeking appointments to boards and commissions, Carvajal advises being intentional and approaching the appointment process with a clear understanding of their goals, values, and the impact they hope to make.

"Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and be open to talking about what opportunities are available. I know a lot of folks will come to us and say, ‘I really want to be on the [California Public Utilities Commission]’. That's great, but your experiences and your story may make you a great candidate to help us on a housing board, for example. And so it's all a part of giving the Appointments Unit a call, applying, and telling us your story so we can figure out where your voice is most valuable."


One of the key successes of Carvajal's tenure has been the intentional efforts to embed diversity and inclusion into the appointment process. By working with organizations like HOPE and programs like the Latina Appointments Collaborative, Carvajal is laying the groundwork for future administrations to continue progressing toward a more diverse and inclusive government.

"Our office is extremely intentional and deliberate with the changes that we want to make to embed into our process so that the next generation continues with this progress."

The importance of diverse representation in government appointments cannot be overstated. When decision-makers come from various backgrounds and perspectives, they are better equipped to address the needs and concerns of all communities. By actively seeking out and promoting diverse candidates for boards and commissions, we can create a more equitable society for all.

Appointments Secretary Carvajal's story reminds us of the impact individuals can have when they are inspired by public service. Through her dedication and commitment to serving others, she has made a meaningful contribution to her community and to the state of California. Her journey serves as a testament to the power of public service in creating positive change and improving the lives of others.

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